You’ve found a bug, so now how do you write it down with all the information that an engineer needs to fix it?

Not to stress you or anything, but a bug report is often the sole output of a tester and you’ll be judged by what you find and how you write it.

Breathe easier because here you’ll learn an easy format to remember everything the engineers need and your bug reports will look very professional too. You’ll get to see some pretty nasty, poorly written bugs and try to re-write them more accurately and professionally. All those bugs you found in Testing Basics, you’ll get to enter them into the bug database.

In the labs you will test on real buggy software and then write bug reports and feature requests in a real bug database.

Who Should Attend?

  • Beginning Testers
  • Testers that have never had a formal training class
  • Accidental Testers and Testers that have learned on the job
  • Technical Support Personnel that help with testing or want to transfer into the testing department
  • Project Managers


  • You should be used to using:  Internet browsers and Microsoft Word


  • Identify poorly written and well written bug reports.
  • Know and apply the formats for bug reports and feature requests.
  • Know and follow the rules and avoids for professional bug report writing.</li
  • Write professional, repeatable, concise bug reports and feature requests.

Your Next Step:

  • To unlock the lessons, just click the “Buy Now” button and you’ll be directed to a secure payment page.
  • If you prefer to use a purchase order, Contact Us.
  • Or purchase this class or Be A VIP to get an all access pass!
  • Course curriculum

      1. About Your Instructor

      2. What Is A Bug?

      3. Definitions

      4. Testers & Engineers

      5. Assumptions & Perceptions

      6. Download for The Labs

      7. Lab 1 - Write A Bug Report

      8. Welcome to Bugs Quiz

      1. Examples of Bug Reports

      2. Incomplete Bugs

      3. Lab 2 - Recreating The Incomplete Bug.

      4. Inflammatory Bugs

      5. Lab 3 - Inflammatory Bug Rewrite

      6. Insecure Bugs

      7. Lab 4 - Insecure Bug Rewrite

      8. Multiple Bugs

      9. Long Style

      10. Short Style

      11. Bug Examples Quiz

      1. How to Write Bug Reports

      2. The Bug Mantra

      3. Bug Rules and Avoids

      4. When You Need to Ask Questions or You're Unsure It's a Bug

      5. Bug Report Rules Quiz

      1. Goal of The Summary

      2. Summary Format

      3. Unable To Reproduce

      4. Helpful Hints

      5. Good Examples of Bug Summaries

      6. Lab 3 - Bug Summary Practice

      7. Bug Summary Quiz

      1. Goal of The Steps

      2. Format of The Steps

      3. Exact Steps

      4. What You Expected

      5. Additional Style Steps

      6. Lab 4 - Steps Practice

      7. Steps Quiz

      1. Making Suggestions

      2. Feature Request Format

      3. Lab 5 - Feature Request

      4. Feature Request Quiz

    About this course

    • $25.00
    • 47 lessons
    • 0 hours of video content

    The Bugs are Ready For You?

    Get started now


    “Wow! Really helped me fine tune my skills!" JT
    "There was level of detail here that I hadn't realized " AJ
    "The Content is Brilliant!" DM
    "The formats were great! I used to write complete sentences and long paragraphs." EB
    "A good review for older testers (particularly ones in-between jobs) PN”

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    Jenn Flaa


    Jenn Flaa a serial entrepreneur with deep roots in technology and a passion for music. A kind of Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde, if Hyde can be a rocker chick/song writer/author instead of a lunatic! She started her career as an engineer at NASA and a stint in Silicon Valley as a Quality Assurance Manager. She then started her first company, Vettanna. Its first job was to setup the QA department at eBay and train testers. Vettanna now provides IT Staffing, Projects and Consulting. She recently started The Bird Commission to deliver online & live training. Jenn sings and plays flute in three bands. Urban Fiction is a predominately 80s rock/dance band, The Zippy Katz is vintage jazz, and Wild Life Drive is poolside fun. She is a public speaker and is the author of "The Happiness Handbook: Living Your Extraordinary Life", "White Fawn" and a contributor to "Storm Stories: Hurricane Ian".