You want to know how to test or you've got a job as a software what?

  • Where do you start?
  • How do you know if you've tested everything? 

Start Here! 

Testing Basics is the foundation you'll build your career on. It's one of the "3 Must Have Skills" you'll need to be a software tester:

  • How to test
  • How to write a bug report
  • How to report results or status and get the information you need

This course gets you started with "how to test".

But this class is more than how to test; you’ll learn how to think like a tester! 

We start at the beginning and define what a test, test data and expected results are. You’ll learn how to identify bugs and how to choose test data. 

We’ll also talk about what the difference between Quality Assurance and Testing is. 

You’ll get to try and practice everything we talk about on a real buggy application. 

As you learn bug hunting skills, you’ll be given an easy memory aid to use to help you get good coverage as you test. 

You’ll even get to run several different styles of test cases from ad hoc to very detailed.

Who Should Attend?

  • Beginning Testers
  • Testers that have never had a formal training class
  • Accidental Testers and Testers that have learned on the job
  • Engineers who are Developers in Test
  • Technical Support Personnel that help with testing or want to transfer into the testing department


  • You should be used to using:  Internet browsers, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel


  • Definitions of terms and the definitions of the tester’s job
  • How to test (including tests, expected results and test data)
  • Testing Smarter (including selecting test data and prioritys for different test types)
  • Introduction to 6 different types of written test case formats you may encounter
  • Organizing your work

Labs Include:

  • Use a real buggy application to practice testing and finding bugs. You’ll practice running several different styles of test cases (including ad hoc testing without a test case).
  • Practice picking which test data to run.

Take Aways:

At the end of this class you can:

  • You can Ad-Hoc test using the Tester’s Mantra
  • You can run a written test case and
  • Take disciplined and organized notes while testing (we call this the test log)

Your Next Step

  • To unlock the lessons, just click the “Buy Now” button and you’ll be directed to a secure payment page.
  • If you prefer to use a purchase order, Contact Us.
  • Or purchase this class or Be A VIP to get an all access pass!
  • Course curriculum

      1. Why Test?

      2. Remember Science Class?

      3. Software Testing

      4. Software Testing Model ***need audio

      5. Ad Hoc Testing

      6. Sample Adhoc Test Case

      7. Lab 1 - Ad Hoc Testing.

      8. The Tester's Role

      9. The Tester's Role

      10. Black Box, Grey Box and White Box Testing

      11. Expected Results for Testing

      12. The Tester's Mantra - GUFES

      13. The Tester's Mantra - GUFES

      14. Lab 2 - Ad Hoc testing with GUFES

      15. Testing Order

      16. Getting Started Quiz

      1. Types of Test Cases

      2. Types of Test Cases

      3. Ad Hoc Test Cases

      4. Checklist Test Case

      5. Lab 3 - Checklist Test Case

      6. Spreadsheet Test Case

      7. Lab 4 - Spreadsheet Test Case

      8. Pass/Fail Checklist Test Case

      9. Lab 5 - Pass/Fail Checklist Test Case

      10. Complete Test Case

      11. Lab 6 - Complete Test Case

      12. Lab Review

      13. Detailed Test Case

      14. Lab 7 - Detailed Test Case

      15. Test Cases Quiz

      1. 2 Views of Test Data

      2. 2 Views of Test Data

      3. Zoom In

      4. Keyboard Karate - Memory Tool

      5. 5 Bears in Fields - Memory Tool

      6. Lab 8 - Zoom In Test Data

      7. Zoom Out

      8. Other Features - Memory Tool

      9. 5 Bears in Features - Memory Tool

      10. Computer/Device Related - Memory Tool

      11. Lab 9 - Zoom Out Test Data

      12. Smart Testing

      13. Smart Testing

      14. Our Secret Words

      15. Test Data Quiz

      1. Organizing Your Work

      2. The Tester's Log

      3. The Tester Log

      4. The Testing Fishbone

      5. The Testing Fishbone

      6. Lab 10 Try It - The Testing Fishbone

      7. Organizing Your Work Quiz

      1. Your Relationship With Engineers

      2. A Tester's Story

      3. What's Testing Really Like?

      4. A Day In The Life of A Tester

      5. Common Mistakes

      6. How to Test

      7. Lab 11 - Save As Testing.

      8. The 10% To Remember

      9. What Else You Need To Know

    About this course

    • $59.00
    • 70 lessons
    • 0.5 hours of video content

    The Bugs Are Waiting For You!

    Find them now

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    Your Instructor

    Jenn Flaa


    Jenn Flaa a serial entrepreneur with deep roots in technology and a passion for music. A kind of Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde, if Hyde can be a rocker chick/song writer/author instead of a lunatic! She started her career as an engineer at NASA and a stint in Silicon Valley as a Quality Assurance Manager. She then started her first company, Vettanna. Its first job was to setup the QA department at eBay and train testers. Vettanna now provides IT Staffing, Projects and Consulting. She recently started The Bird Commission to deliver online & live training. Jenn sings and plays flute in three bands. Urban Fiction is a predominately 80s rock/dance band, The Zippy Katz is vintage jazz, and Wild Life Drive is poolside fun. She is a public speaker and is the author of "The Happiness Handbook: Living Your Extraordinary Life", "White Fawn" and a contributor to "Storm Stories: Hurricane Ian".