Testing Essentials packs the 4 foundation testing classes into one bargain package!
Learn the essential skills of software testing:

  1. Testing and finding bugs
  2. Reporting bugs
  3. Reporting the results of testing
  4. Using the bug tracking database
  5. Plus BONUS topics on communication & video interviews

Key Topics:

  • How to test and how to test smarter.
  • Organizing your work.
  • How to write professional bug reports.
  • How to scrub and verify bugs and update the bug database.
  • How to summarize what you’ve done or what you’ve tested into professionally written Weekly Status Report or Feature Summary Report.
  • How to report verbally in hallways or meetings and how management uses your reports.

Labs Include:

  • Practice testing, finding, scrubbing and verifing bugs and reporting results on 2 real buggy applications.

Recommended for:

  • Beginning Testers
  • Testers that have never had a formal training class
  • Accidental Testers and Testers that have learned on the job
  • Technical Support Personnel that help with testing or want to transfer into the testing department

At the end of this course you’ll have the skills to:

  • Ad hoc test and run written test cases.
  • Take disciplined and organized notes while testing.
  • Write professional, repeatable, concise bug reports.
  • Summarize your testing work into professionally written reports.
  • Confidently talk to engineers, product mangers, your boss & upper management.
  • Rock your next video job interview

Your Next Step

  • To unlock the lessons, just click the “Buy Now” button and you’ll be directed to a secure payment page.
  • If you prefer to use a purchase order, Contact Us.
  • Or purchase this class or Be A VIP to get an all access pass!
  • Don't Wait Another Minute

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